


Welcome to Select Style your online destination for wallpaper and wallcoverings.

We’re enthusiastic about getting people to decorate with wallpaper.  Wallpaper is such a powerful decorating tool but so underutilised in Australian society.  Whether as a background or a statement wallpaper takes decorating to a whole other level, one with which paint can’t compete.

Trust me, you’d make a point of showing visitors your newly wallpapered hallway.  I can’t say you’d do the same for a painted one and either way I’m telling you right now, your visitors wouldn’t be nearly as interested or impressed by a painted hallway. 

I had wallpaper installed when I first moved into my home.  Now, three years on new visitors still notice and compliment my wallpaper and to be honest even I still stop for a moment and admire it on a regular basis. 

What are you waiting for, give you’re walls a “wow factor”. You’re sure to find the perfect wallcovering here at Select Style